Endless space 2 rebellion
Endless space 2 rebellion

“Are you planning to introduce any kind of single-player campaign?”. Then GameSpy staff asked the gold question (always have been a Sins debate over this topic). Stardock also clarified that regarding more ships offered (from the original Sins’ games) apart from the new 6 different types of Titan class ships there will also be new corvette and capital class ships.

endless space 2 rebellion

Stardock also added that each faction gets its own Titan class ship and confirmed that “there are going to be six distinct Titans (…) each has its own abilities and stats”. “The TEC Loyalists are very defensive (…) the TEC Rebels are very aggressive”. As we already knew each one of the three original races gets split into Loyalists and Rebels. Stardock also provided some details about the 3 new Rebellion (sub)factions. In the interview Stardock clarified that Rebellion will include all the previous titles content, so, all the features included in the Diplomacy or Entrenchment expansions (or in the Trinity pack) will be in Rebellion.

endless space 2 rebellion

I also added a few personal notes and bits of further information. I condensed in this post what were, in my opinion, the juicier parts of the interview. GameSpy has just published an interview with Stardock’s staff about Rebellion, the new, and highly anticipated Sins of a Solar Empire stand-alone expansion pack.

Endless space 2 rebellion